Why not start out the new year with a new Profile Portrait? You can use it on any of your online profiles.
Our profile portrait party is the perfect way to upgrade your profile from a standard snapshot to a professional portrait. For only $10, this could be the most affordable makeover you've ever had!
Come enjoy food, beverages and a quick portrait session.
The details:
WHO: You and your friends
The first 6 people who contact us and pay the small $10 party fee. Each of these 6 people can invite up to 3 friends who will be added to our party list with their $10 party fee. If we are not full (24 people) by December 26th, we will open it up for more people.
WHAT: A party!
We'll provide food and beverages, background and props, music and possibly some games. We'll take a few pictures and you pick your favorite - we'll provide it for you to use on your online profiles.
WHEN: December 31st from 3:00p - 5:00p
WHERE: Natural-Beauty Photography's Studio
in KawreS SuperStore at 1515 Stone St. Falls City, NE
WHY: Because everyone wants to start out the New Year in a fun way!!
Reserve your spot today! First 6 to contact us and pay the party fee are in and can invite 3 of their friends to join them ($10 party fee each)! (402) 245-3700 or contact us on facebook!
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