Ok... I admit, I'm a bit of a workaholic. I suppose running your own business, or 2, or 3.. you have to be. I don't mind it most of the time, but it is so true that you have to keep a balance in your life - even if you do love your work.
I still technically live at home with my parents and little brothers. I am home from around 9:30 at night until 7:30 in the morning and on probably a little more than half the Sundays. I do have a full kitchen at my store, as well as a room with a hide-a-bed... so I can crash at work from time to time as well. I do love that hour or so of a night that I get to talk with mom & dad and that 45 minutes or so of a morning cooking breakfast and beith with my brothers. Even though it's such a small time, it still keeps me connected. Plus, mom stops at the store for her break and lunch and usually the whole family comes to the store to pick her up after work - so I see them throughout the day, most days, as well.
I actually love the setup this way. I look at it as getting the chance to help raise kids without having to deal with them all the time. My brothers are both adopted, one from China in 2006 and one from Guatemala in 2008. We are also fostering a 5 month old girl right now which we have had since she was 3 days old. With having my own business, it does give me the chance to be there when I'm needed to pick them up from school, drop them off at the babysitter or a game or even sometimes watch them at my store. To keep a real balance, I probably should be "home" more with them... but that's the nice thing about them being brothers instead of sons - I don't fell that I have to be.
Block Party - photo borrowed
from Sandy Schwarting |
Other than those times with my family, most of my time is spent by myself, with my employees or with customers. I very seldom actually go out just for fun. I'm not a real social person. I don't drink, so bars don't enthuse me. I don't like the loud music of bands or djs. I do volunteer and try to help out with Chamber of Commerce events and things like that - but that's almost more work related. The one thing that I do enjoy as "friends" is the block that my store is on usually has a get-together once a month, we started it about a year ago. We usually just go out for dinner at a restaurant or something like that - about a dozen of us. It's little things like that which I think really help keep a little more balance in life. Not only family, but friends as well.
I know my life is
very different from most people. How do you keep up the balance in your life? Work enough to make a living, spend time with your family and still have time for friends. Any thoughts out there?
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